this entry just to share my experience giving birth on my 1st baby
everything is unexpected.unpredictable.especially for me yg dah overdue
okay.i pon tak expect i will be in this situation
i tot i akan bersalin early than my EDD.or just at the rite time
but it's a great experience.amazing. unbelievable.and scared for sure.
Wednesday Nov 24, 2010
Today supposedly my EDD.but so far nothing happens
no sign to give water broke and
i have my last check up with Dr. Jaafar (yup he's a guy and my gynae)
he's a great doc i can say.very soft spoken.very gentle..(puji lebih nk MC lah tu)
so routine mcm biasa lah.check BP, timbang berat, scan, and consultation session
berat i naik lg 1kg in which i noe by end of pregnancy berat xkan naik
it would be maintain or i makin naik lah.berselera lg la tu
scan pon okay.takde ape yg position normal.everything is normal.
check my womb still tak bukak first i tak suke part ni sbb skt skit.
but lame2 okay dah.u won't feel pain when u rilex and calm. (that's the tip)
lastly kne wat CTG.overdue pregnant lady mmg kne wat mende ni
i pon suke.coz we can hear our baby's like dup dup dup dup dup
and bole tau what stage our contraction.for me during that time.sekali je hahaha
so doc just bg date tuk admit ward and induce.yea paksa bersalin okeh
if nothing happens until sunday then i have to admit next monday on Nov 29 at 8 am
orite pas je check up i sempat lg g shopping.last minute shopping.hehehe
Sunday Nov 28,2010
Woww!i'm still pregnant.still walking.laughing.singing.bathing.sleeping.dgn happynye
Alhamdulillah.takde sebarang masalah dihadapi setakat ini.sudah bagus.hehe
but there's uncomfy feelings butterflies in stomach.pulsate.
most people said induce lg skt.i don't noe.sooner i wud noe *wink*
all my belongings,baby's belongings sume dah packed.just wait tomorrow come
parent i pon dah sampai.i want my mom by my side when i deliver nanti *sigh*
sebab semalam check up womb i tak bukak lg my mom bg satu petua.
given by my neighbour.wat milo panas pekat2 campur dgn telor ayam pastu minum
her daughter pon cm i womb tak bukak tp pas minum ni baru ade bukaan
oh yea.i minum.habisss.sgt tough bukan.walaupon ade rase loya dan geli
sebab ade telor ayam terigtkan ckp nurse ri tu.
kalo x bole bersalin normalkena lah wat caesar which is i tak mo sama sekali..
jadi ku telan jua.biarlah sakit dari operate.huh tough bukan?hahaha
Monday Nov 29,2010
Ngee ari sudah siang.awal yer bgn ri ni.huhu ye lah tido tak lena malam tadi
susah ati gak la.7.30 am i da sampai hospital.pegi breakfast dulu kt restoran haslam tu
otw nak pegi tu terserempak ngan my gynae.huhu lg la roti canai tetap habis
keh keh keh..selera still maintain besar.ahaks~
after settle registration sume then heading to maternity level.first thing timbang dulu
ooops naik 1 kg la.dasat.ri tu dah naik 74 ri ni naik 75 lak.hebat betul.
pas timbang i terus masuk labour room 1.the 1st patient okeh..sgt punctual
masuk labour room tu terus je i rase susah ati.sgt sgt sgt susah ati.
da tuka uniform tercantik ni, nurse masuk ubat kt muntot tuk kosongkan perut ubat tu mmg berkesan lah.tak smpai 5minit i da rase perut memulas2
seb la sempat masuk toilet.huh lega pikir gak rugi je makan tadi.
lapa la balik pewut ni nanti.sempat lagi tu pikir anak tekak pewut ni.wakaka
then doc pon sampai.check my womb.ermm baru 1.5cm..gile relief dgr
akhirnye ade lah gak bukaan ni kan.i takut gak kalo x bukak2 lgsg.
so nurse masuk kan ubat kt faraj.this is what we called induce.masuk ubat je pon
mcm tu hasilnye mmg memuaskan lah.haha.then mcm bese la wat CTG.
so berbaring lah i di katil sambil tgk cartoon ditemani husband tersayang di sisi katil.setia sungguh
sambil2 tu sempat gak lah ber-BBM.ehehe..kebusanan melanda diriku.
tgk jam kul 10..kul 12..kul 1 tgh hari.doc dtg check lg.tgk takde perkembangan lg
doc tya i dah lunch belom..i ckp la belom.lapa nih.sbb takde ape lg bole la mkn
pas makan masuk blk ubat kosongkan perut tu lg..haih baik xyah mkn kan cani
tgk jam dah kul 2.i suh my husband g makan.mean time my mom teman kan i kt LR
tgk jam lg dah kul 3.time ni baru start contraction tp very mild.kire intro lah ni
suddenly i dgr nurse bising2 kt lua LR i nih..rushing2 kol doc..why why??
ooo rupenye patient sebelah LR i ni dah nak deliver.padahal die admit lmbt dr i
dgr sore baby nangis pastu confirm la die dah selamat.huhu
i mmg down giler lah time tu.ckp kt my husband org lain senang je
nape i susah sgt kan.touching lah time tuh.i da ready mentally physically da
tgk jam dah 4.30pm.doc dtg check up i lagi skali.bukaan still same cam tadi.bosan.
means i kena duk ward malam ni.mase bgn tu mg pening skit la
ye la dr pagi td berbaring je kt katil tu da mcm org koma plak kan.
6 pm my husband anta my parent balik umah we all.lg pon dr pagi td dorg teman i
kesian plak kan..i pon belom deliver better dorg stay at home je lah
b4 husband i kelua tu sempat lg lah order McD.sakan order hah.nak macam2
sambil tunggu tu i mkn lah sikit food hospital ni.ok lah not bad.
tgh sedap2 makan tibe2 je perut ni sakit.hah dtg dah contraction.haduiiii
langsung ilang selera i nak mkn.husband dah balik bwk McD pon i tgk je
just minum MiLO and some fries.pastu terus tade mood.giler sakit.
nak wat ape pon sume tak kena lah.husband i mmg dah jadi tukang urut time tu
ok lah kurang sikit sakit tu..(makasih ya pak) relief gak la.but still tak leh tido.
it's 11 pm now.tgk my husband dah lena. ni perut sakit nak kejut die tak smpai ati lak
so thn sndri je last dpt gak lah i lena kejap.tapiiiii tapi tapi tapi
rasanye baru je kot 15 minit tido.tibe2 rase mcm i pee.aik sgt lah terkejut
sejak bile plak i kencing malam plak ni kan.cepat2 bgn tgk.
ehhh kalo kencing pon tak kan byk cmni.i terus bgn.da berdiri pon still kelua lg
OMG!!sah my water sempat lg tgk jam tu kul's 12 midnite
my husband dgr i bising2 kelam kabut terus bangun panggil nurse
lepas je i cleaning myself nurse dtg check my womb.tgk bukaan da brape
still the same.but since i complaint skt sgt so dorg wat CTG tgk my contraction
mase ni i terigt adik nurse tu bgtau "kak induced ni mmg skt dari biase.sabar ye"
haihh adik baik sungguh kamu ni..adik ok sbb i tgk tag die ade IC no..thn 90 tau
so duk la sengsorg ats katil ni terkebil-kebil thn skt ni
bile aje mata i nak lena time ni la nurse dtg check BP weiii bosan betulll..
bape kali agk nye nk check.dr dpt tido lgsg i tak tido.stressed!
Tuesday Nov 30,2010
jam dah kul 3 am and i still menahan skt atas katil time nurse check BP
terus je i mntk pain killer.gile tak thn dah ni.mata da ngantuk sgt.letih sume ade
pas inject tu baru la i dpt tdo.i terjaga pon nurse check BP lg.dah kul 5 am
ohh at least dpt la tido even few hours je.i terus bgn mandi and siap2
kul 6 am i they brought me to LR balik.the same routine as yesterday
around 8 am doc dtg check my womb.baru 2.5 mmg kena drip la
then doc tya i if i nak amik epidural or not.i ckp tak mo epidural..berlagak ko eh
doc tya lg boleh ke thn sakit.i jwb i still boleh thn lg even dlm hati skt wehhh
pas je drip kena lak pkai urine bag lak.sbb i tak leh bgn da pas ni.
first time pkai ni.pelik sgt.slalu tgk atuk2 ke nenek yg sakit je pkai ni
tp kali diri sendiri kene.masuk lak kt faraj tu..rase tak selesa sgt.
husband i lak muka nak nangis.die kate sedih, tgk mcm2 nurse wat kat i..alalala
pas drip tu mmg perut skt gile..time ni contracion da every 10 minutes kot
husband i tya skt kt mane ke ape ke mmg i da tak tgh skt byk la soklan die
mmg la die tya sbb nk tlong i kurangkan skt tak boleh nk ckp kt mane
rase sume skt...kesian die..hehehe tp he's understanding.luv u mom pon da smpai
give me moral support.thanks mak!!!sempat g ckp "cmni la mase nak bersalinkan ko"
alahh mak ni...gurau lak die time ni. nurse mmg kejap2 masuk tgk i tya ok ke x
ok x ok sgt lah kan..tgk i dah berpeluh2 thn skt ni die tya nak amik pain killer ke
terus i angguk kepala laju jer..tak thn sgt dah kali ni pain killer not killing the pain
same je kot.mase tu i mmg da nangis skit xde lah berjurai2 airmate tu
nurse yg masuk tu tgk i terus je dia ckp, "puan boleh amik O2 tuk kurangkan sakit"
ape2 lah janji x tgn i mmg x lepas la pegang mende tu jer..but still.stilll the same
nurse yg tgk i pon siap ckp lg, amik ke amik ke oxygen tu same je kan..a ah.same jer
contraction i dah every 5 minutes.time ni dah tak pegang tgn my husband lg
i dah pegang holder katil tu...i mmg xmo pegang tgn die kesian tgk merah2..even die xpe2
tp ni mmg dah xthn ni..dlm ati mcm ni rupenya rase skt nak bersalin eh..
i dah berpeluh2 sbb tak on aircond pon kt LR ni..patut la panas takpe
my husband suh i bace surah2..bace doa byk2..suh i rilex breathing..fuhhhhh
nurse yg dtg check tgk ckp contraction dah 2 minutes..siap pesan kalo dah rase bgtau
i tgk jam dah kul 11.time ni tetibe je rase nak meneran..mmg i meneran pon
sbb kalo i tak wat pon die dtg husband dah panggil nurse dtg tgk i.
tgk dah 8 cm..die ckp kite tunggu sikit lg smpai 10 cm.kene betul2 takut nti koyak
and i pon dah sit in position..nurse tu plak dah kua masuk prepare all the stuff
i try to rilex..bace doa.selawat.dah focus jam kt wall tu cam husband i suh..
then nurse bgtau ok dah nmpk kepala baby..
dgr nurse ckp cmtu suddenly i jadi panic.terus pndg my husband.die tgk i dah tau da
terus je pegang tgn i and ckp push mcm org sembelit..hah??sembelit pon i tak penah kena
nurse tu pulak bg moral support.ckp "ok good.yea mcm tu.teran lg.ha pandai"
ohhh bile lg ni..doc pon da tgk wat bodo jer.just ckp bile sakit baru push
when i really push baru doc ckp "puan thn sikit,kite bius ye"
i pon whatever lah doc..time tuh doc inject kt dlm tu pon tak rase skt dah
ade 2 org nurse with me helps me to get the baby out..
after 2 kali push husband i dah takde kt sblh.die dah kt dpn i blkg doc..
then doc ckp puan saya tolong puan.kite guna vacuum.i just angguk jex kesah lah.
2 times vacuum tu not worked 3rd time baru dpt..finally kelua gak die
i nmpk doc tarik and angkat die and he is crying.sore baby lahhh
doc put the baby atas perut i.he's wet and i shocked.i hold his hand.very small
looked at my husband with tears and he's just smiling.this is OUR BABY!!!
the nurse hold my baby said " puan ini anak puan.lahir pukul 12 tghari tepat"
i mcm what??12 noon?then doc ckp baby 12 tghari..i noe what is it..
after that doc episiotomy ke keluarkan uri ke sume i dah x rase
tgk my baby hilang sume's worth.betul la ckp org.antidote of everything
bape byk jahitan pon i tatau.yg i tau last2 tu terasa skt skit.maybe kt kulit kot
my baby dah dibawa keluar.i tatau g mane.and nurse bersihkan i.change pad..
my husband dah kelua make phone calls.then my mom comes in temankan i
give me some water and the nurse came in bring some food la
err tgk pon da tade selera.i mmg tak rase lapa pon.even perut kosong
then nurse tu tgk i tak mkn so they make hot milo just to give me energy
and..yeay the baby is coming.time.nurse yg bwk tu siap ckp lg comelnye mulut die
i sengih je lah..then bgtau my husband kalo nak azankan baby
so pas je husband i azankan die it's time to breastfeed him.honestly for first time sgt susah
i try harder but tak kelua pon.with helps of the nurse baru la manage to bf baby
tu pon 1 side je because the order side clogged up..after bf nurse amik blk the baby
they said dorg jaga and let me get some rest.ohh memang i need that
first time lying on the bed and been pushed to ward.malu pon ade org tgk je
tp nk wat cane i am not allowed to walk.sampai je ward my mom pkai kan sock
then i terus tido.very tired.i woke up after few hours tu pon sbb nk bf baby
ooo this time i really take a look, staring and kissed my baby.
the one yang susah sgt nak kelua tgk dunia ni.smpai kena force lg..hehehe
so that's my experience giving birth Fairel Iman Fakhri..40 weeks and 5 days
4 days warded, 2 kali induced, 2 kali inject pain killer, 1 pain of water, 8 hours in LR
whoaaa..all i can say mase contraction tu rase serik gile nak pregnant lg
but after tgk baby and hold him tightly rase it's worth.very precious.
ok lah lastly yg i could share bersalin tu tak de lah ape sgt tp yg sakit tu ialah
CONTRACTION tu.bersalin ni mula2 mmg takut tp sebenarnye amazing!
for those yang pregnant, nak pregnant, tgh due or overdue cam i ni.hehehe
don't worry.don't scare.there's always a first time kan??
*boleh thn berjela nye....

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